Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How skiing relates to my life view

I've started this year with the following quote: "The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want."

I just got my Bachelor's Degree. My goal of four last years is achieved. What's next?

Here are what I was thinking skiing on the January, 1, 2012.

It happened that I lost my friends I was skiing with on the trail. So, I've decided not to wait for them but to ski by myself. And I couldn't find a better topic than thinking about  life. I compared it to skiing. All of us have a choice what trail to pick: green, blue or black. The green is the easiest one, and it has the most people skiing. The black is for experts; there are few of them. You pick a green trail, you compete with so many people along the way. You pick the black, you compete with a handful of people. It's up to you which road to pick, it's up to you how to price yourself in a creative field. It's your decision to choose people you compete with. As I said I am a good skier, I am not an expert. But I did take the black trail once.  The moment I looked down the hill, I thought I cannot do it. There is NO WAY I could get down. And then I started skiing. Looking just a little bit ahead of me, step by step (ski by ski? LOL) I got down. Did I fall? No, I didn't. Did I get down fast? No, I didn't. I was actually skiing very slow. Once I reached the bottom, I thought that my experience was absolutely amazing. I was ready to do it again.
Don't you think that working in a creative field similar to skiing?

1 comment:

Jenn @ Optimization Actually said...

I love this! I've been pondering the same things, but I don't know that I would have made the same decision to take the riskier path. Great advice. I'm going to put this into practice.

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