Thursday, March 15, 2012

My concept for Fun-A-Day project

I've decided to take part in a Fun-A-Day project, which is all about creating something every day for the whole month of March. That decision was made someday in April, and then I looked at the calendar and realized that it is almost middle of March. It's not even funny how fast time flies. It seems like only yesterday I had this grand idea to find 30 different normal girls and take their portraits with the whole makeover/glamour idea. And now I understand that it is not possible to achieve when you have two jobs, and only 15 days left. Unless I quit my jobs :) That's an interesting idea... Anyway,  I've changed the concept. I am still doing 30 different photos, portraits of... me, AKA self-portraits.
I chose a poem to illustrate with my photos. It's called A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Ellan Poe.

A Dream Within a Dream

         Take this kiss upon the brow!
          And, in parting from you now,
          Thus much let me avow-
          You are not wrong, who deem
          That my days have been a dream;
          Yet if hope has flown away
          In a night, or in a day,
          In a vision, or in none,
          Is it therefore the less gone?
          All that we see or seem
          Is but a dream within a dream.

          I stand amid the roar
          Of a surf-tormented shore,
          And I hold within my hand
          Grains of the golden sand-
          How few! yet how they creep
          Through my fingers to the deep,
          While I weep- while I weep!
          O God! can I not grasp
          Them with a tighter clasp?
          O God! can I not save
          One from the pitiless wave?
          Is all that we see or seem
          But a dream within a dream?

I absolutely loved this poem . It's dark, meaningful and beautiful. It represents how I feel about life... Life is passing by so fast and every day that past seems like another dream once it is gone.  
Here is just a quick draft to my series of photos:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy International Women's Day!

Happy International Women's Day, Ladies!
Hey, I know that this holiday is not as popular in the USA as it is in Russia, BUT it's a great concept to celebrate, isn't it? I am not talking about historical meaning of this day, I am talking about another occasion to show gratitude and express love for all women around us: mothers, sisters, girl friends... There are NEVER too many flowers or chocolate or attention.

So, lets celebrate!
To gorgeous girls! Because we are.

As Coco Chanel said, "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous".
Stay fabulous.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gorgeous Elizabeth

Here is Elizabeth who is very talented, adventurous  and absolutely amazing. She is a Zumba instructor ( double points in my eyes, since I LOVE Zumba), she also plays guitar and she has an amazing voice. 
Here is what Elizabeth said about her experience: "Thank YOU for taking the time to photograph me.  You did an awesome job.  Because I have no experience modeling, I really appreciated you telling me how to pose and encouraging me to relax, breathe, smile, and to not look “too sad.” Lol  Of course, looking at your “handsome man” in the room helped me to lighten up a little! J  You were SO right about the poses with the hands by my face.  That is my favorite one!!  You have such a great eye and a brilliant way of capturing something different in each shot.  I really enjoyed working with Jen and Jordan as well.  They are wonderful at what they do!"
Just to let you all know the "handsome man" is a life size manikin that I have in my studio:).

Photographer: Nadia Skopintseva
Make-up Artist: Jennifer Vilayhong
Hair Stylist: Jordan Biliski

  Check out her video that Elizabeth submitted to America's Got Talent: 
Amazing, right? Elizabeth, good luck to you!!!  I am so proud that I know you.

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